Hard to find/ Obsolete components
If it’s out there, we will find it for you.
We are very well connected with a wide network of suppliers, some of them are authorized distributors, manufacturers, OEM that have excess stock as well as brokers all over the world.
Qualification of our suppliers guarantee that the parts we are selling are traceable and original.

Selling Surplus or Excess Inventory of Electronic Components
Our well-advertised inventory and wide net of colleague partners guarantee full exposure of your excess inventory
to many companies in the electronic components field.
Professional selling procedures and the most reliable operational systems in distribution will ensure that your inventory will be sold.
If you wish to sale your excess stock, please send your excel file to

Engineering Services
Supporting and consulting for general Engineering Projects 
Engineering Components solutions & Components cross.

Local Representation
Do you have your representative in Israel?
Do You Need Warehousing & Distribution Services?
Kopelcom will open new opportunities for you.
Call us now +972-4-9830552
Or send an email to
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